Friday, September 9, 2011


I feel like I have totally lost my study appetite. It's like..

What is study ?
How to study ?


Many times I have say that I can't believe that I will study in my hometown. Sigh. Unbelievable.

I don't have feeling of study. To me, study out of town give more valuable experience that I am super duper appreciated. I always think why are some of my friends chose to study in hometown ? Nothing to explore. Same environment.

I love to expand my networking. New friends in a new place! That's so interesting. But I still hope that I got friends with same interests and can chill out together, happily ever after. More friends, more merrier! 

Oh, I got kolej, kolej mawar. One sem 400+ I joined Mechy students to UiTM not with my course-mate. So, I don't have a pair like them. I don't know who is my rommies. Hope, good one ;) But I am so sorry dear if I am not there for you sometimes or maybe a lot of times cause I still in honeymoon in my home. Homesick! ( Ahh gedik lah kau Amalina! Rumah sejengkal jek )

But still I must study study hard and harder. Go away sadness, bad mood and problems!! Come to me happiness..

Jaoh sikit dari Kompleks Kejuruteraan. Sigh.

PS : Tengok lah nak balik bile. Nak letak ape jek kat kolej. Baju basuh dekat rumah :P

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